Holistic Fitness Personal Training
Your Complete Health & Fitness Training Solution
By Darrin D'Amico
To: Everyone SERIOUS about successfully achieving their fitness goals
Are you one of those people that believe that just by simply purchasing a gym membership you will then be holding the “magic” key to achieving your fitness goals? If you are, you are dead wrong!
In fact, 80% of the 40 million Americans that have bought gym memberships don’t even use them today. Most gym memberships go completely dormant after only 90 days. In addition, statistics show that a gym membership is the least used type of membership. Heck, in order for gyms to be profitable, they bank on 20 to 30% of their clientele to not use their memberships at all just to keep their overhead costs down. I guess you can say that gyms could care less about you and your fitness goals!
Typically, this is what happens to you once you do sign up for a gym membership. First, you are all excited to begin your workouts and be on the road to achieving your fitness goals. You go to the gym for the first time full of excitement and motivation and suddenly that excitement and motivation turns into a feeling of being completely overwhelmed. You realize you don’t know where to start. You may not even know how to use the various types of exercise equipment. You start asking yourself, what does this machine do? Is it better to use machines or free weights? How do I know if I am performing the exercise correctly? How many exercises, sets, and repetitions should I be doing? How many days a week should I be working out and for how long? What type of cardiorespiratory training should I be doing and for how long? What is core training? How important is flexibility and how does it fit into my training program? What are stability balls, foam rollers, bosu balls, dyna discs…? And the questions go on and on.
This scenario plays out time and time again and is probably the underlying cause for why most people don’t use their memberships. All the initial excitement, energy and motivation you feel when you first step into a gym is quickly met by an overwhelming sense of confusion and uncertainty that quickly stops you in your tracks and keeps you from returning back to the gym.
So, to answer the question “Is joining a gym the answer to achieving your fitness goals”, it should be clear now that for the overwhelming majority of people the answer is NO. If you are really interested in learning what the true answer is to successfully achieving your fitness goals, then I have the answer for you. Are you finally ready to learn this valuable secret? Here it is, the answer you have been waiting for:
An In-Home Personal Trainer
That’s right! An in-home personal trainer is your very own fitness expert as well as a dedicated and reliable workout partner who is there to motivate and inspire you and make sure that you are following through on your commitment to achieving your fitness goals. An in-home personal trainer will provide you with an individualized training program, provide direct instruction and supervision, share valuable knowledge, teach proper form and technique, optimize your training time, and monitor your progress along the way. An in-home personal trainer will be with you every step of the way until you reach those goals and will then keep working with you to continually improve your fitness levels.
So, if you are finally ready to invest your time and energy to transform your body and life and reach those fitness goals you have been dreaming about, then I invite you to learn more about how we can help and Contact us to schedule your FREE consultation.
You’re in for great service!
To your success,
Darrin D’Amico
Is Joining A Gym The Answer To Achieving Your Fitness Goals?